Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Doble y Dos

Doble the mole has revealed himself. He is now preaching the "Chase" word to Dos and trying to convince Dos of his WAMU sins. Repent Dos and come unto Chase.

Semi Hand of Silence

Hey Dos, look at this. "NO WAY BUDDY" I am giving you the hand of silence and my wife will be proud.

Golden! We get hosed

This is our feeling today. Uno y Dos are getting a golden shower while the Fish Man is getting his golden parachute.

We are moving through stage 2 into stage 3.. We will be to stage 5 by the end of the week.


Dos is in enemy territory being a Fakers fan. DWill will give Kobe and the Fakers the same treatment as you see here. Go Jazz!

Scuz City + Red Vine

Here is our Scuz City Parking. We were told we could park here when the snow was piled 4 feet high last winter. A few of us, we will leave names out of this, have continued on parking here. Dos is enjoying a Scuz City Red Vine contemplating a start to a new day. UNO y DOS making a Stronger and Secure CHASE!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Dos - The Dealmaker!


Sugar Daddy _DOS!

Dos has found a way to supplement his income and please and inspire our well to do customer base. We have come up with a new theme song for UNO Y DOS. It goes to the tune Diamonds and Pearls from Prince.

Buy Out Stress -Uno Flying Solo

We think UNO is still trying to get through stage 1 - Denial. "Why did WAMU do this to me? Where is my career going? This just isn't happening to me!" By the way, where is Dos today?? HE is practicing his camera avoidance techniques he learned this weekend.

Member's Only - Uno is in Are you?

Uno is hiding his WAMU shame with a stylin MEMBER's ONLY jacket. Everyone is anxious to hear the CHASE apparel policy. In the meantime, wear your WAMU gear as usual, or hide your shame as UNO is doing.

5 Stages of Grieving - Uno y Dos

Uno y Dos are each moving along the stages of Grief after the Fall of WAMU. Where are you on the process?

Friday, September 26, 2008

Business as USUAL! Part DOS

Alert: it is 5pm and we have found UNO! He still has a smile on his face but our good friend DOS is still stoic as ever. IS he fired up, is he determined or is he just plain meloncholy.

Strategizing the Customer Reaction to Takeover

Dos is studiously studying all the new communication detailing WAMU's purchase by CHASE. We haven't seen UNO since this morning. Where is UNO? For DOS it is business as usual, For UNO: it is a return to LEP land.

Business as USUAL!

Dos has a new wing man for this afternoon. Tom and Dos are reviewing the new "Business as Usual" customer hand out. I think we are all going to be tired of saying that after today. Maybe except Dos as that has been his motto for the past 2 weeks anyway. Where the hell is UNO? somebody check the Butt Cave.

Surprise Attack! Uno y Dos Change Course

Uno is happy to begin his new career at Chase. Dos is again trying to avoid a candid moment. UNO y DOS re grouping today after the surprise attack.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Glamour Shot - {Part Dos}

Dos is practicing his walk for his second career as a Work Apparel Model. Dos shakes his little toosh on the Cat Walk.

Paintball Panzer!

Woo HOO! our branch won $15 per employee to have a branch party. HOw about a paintball party. Here is MOHD in his Paintball Panzer. Mohd mans the tech support line. He helps UNO with opening his lawn chair.


Our fearless leader DOS is taking time out from the crisis to fulfill his motherly duties. New rumors are starting up today. "Pressure's on Dos!" We need you back soon.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Hair Scone!

Hair Scones are our favorite treat for morning Staff Meetings. You can buy them at Sill's Cafe or Doug and Emmy's in Layton. Uno is usually the runner for food. YO HAIR SCONES. We found a long old hair one day in the scones so that is why we call them Hair Scones. YUMMY

Turn the Other Cheek Part 2

Part Dos of Turn the other Cheek. WAMU will not stand for any more rumors and speculation. "Business as Usual." We are humans you know.

Turn the Other Cheek

In addition to his famous "Hand of Silence" (still trying to get a picture of that one) Dos has a turn the other cheek policy on all the attacks launched at WAMU.


Uno yDos take consolation with their friend Paddy after a hard's day work during the crisis. With UNO y Dos and a little help from Paddy, WAMU will make it through.

Breakfast Burger at CJs

Uno decided to get 820 calories of morning time bliss. This is what probably leads to all of those times of Farting Blood. Our #1 excuse for calling in sick.

Lawn Chair/ Folding Under Pressure

Uno calling tech support to help get out of work AKA : Lawn Chairing
This is the title you receive for missing work or missing the weekly golf game. UNO Y DOS are famous for this.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

One Winged Dos!

Just like a One Winged DOS! Sings a song just like he's singing! oooo baby ooo babyy ooo


Dos is hard at work. Trying to find ways to save a buck for WAMU. Dos saw your face in a crowded place and he doesn't know what to do.

City Slickers

WAMU is proud to have LOS TRES HOMBRES working on the WAMU crisis. They are just starting the day with a caffeine boost from THE MAV! Uno is styling with the gray non WAMU approved blazer.


The Fish Man is rolling up his sleeves and going to work. Uno y Dos are on his side. "Business as usual" We will all help bring WAMU back to profitability.

Glamour Shot

Uno is ready to start his glamour shot portfolio. If this WAMU thing doesn't work out he can be on a WALMART calendar.

Monday, September 22, 2008


Uno y Dos taking a lunch break in the wienermobile. Oscar Meyer is the hotdog of choice for Uno y Dos. WAMU is still standing as of today. GO UNO Y DOS, we are counting on you.

Empty BUTT Cave

It is 11:30 and Uno is nowhere to be found. He might be out learning Spanish with the new rumor that WAMU might be BAnco Santander by week's end. DOS is busy fighting for WAMU's profitability. "Business as usual" is our favorite Dos quote the past week.

Friday, September 19, 2008


Dos (The SG, aka Supreme General, overlooks the LG, aka Little General to make sure he is opening compliant accounts. WAMU is under extra pressure so Dos is excercising his SG muscles to keep us in line.


The Dosmobile is ready to roll for the weekend. Dos is hoping to avoid more confrontations with A Holes in Corvettes. My money is on Dos in any show down however.

Is WAMU out of the Woods?

UNO y DOS working hard to save WAMU from the crisis. Uno is thinking: "Hurry up Dos, that pizza upstairs smells really good." A big thank you to Tonya who sent us the pizza today.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Happy Friday

Flowers for Shaunna. Dos even takes a moment from his hectic schedule to give us a smile.

Our Heros after a hard day's work at WAMU. Is WAMU safe? Tune in tomorrow to see if Uno Y Dos can save the bank.
Uno y Dos planning their escape at the end of the Day. Becky is getting the BUTT Cave ready for our heros.

Strategizing the Crisis

Uno y Dos are hard at work talking about customer issues. As Dos puts it: "Business as Usual"