Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Uno y Dos Tee Set

Here is Dos teeing off on July 3 at Glen Eagle. Here is the Uno y Dos tee set. Dos was acting popular after golf and went to Jerimiah's and gave Domo and Tom the snub for a Sill's breakfast.


The Jerk Sauce called. They are running out of Uno y Dos.


Here is Dos in his new "acting popular" desk in the Layton branch. His hairdo is just like Lemonhead. that is why we we call the candy DosHead and Friends.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Leslie wants to get to experience the UNO y DOS revival. We found out she is a big lover of DoMO. Here's to DOMO!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Revival of the BLOG

Our friendly LFC (loan fulfillment center). We have had a request to revive the blog. Dos is on vacation to Texas this week, probably shopping for more saddles. If anyone can name all of the people in this picture we have a prize for you!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Dos really looks like a "Lily"

Here is Dos helping a customer and Matt and Lily talking to a dude by the pole. We are glad to have Lily on board. She is just waiting for her Chase gear now so she can officially be part of the team.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Becky y Shaunna

Becky = Chase blue. Shaunna = Chase black. Together they equal a big Chase Bruise. This is how we feel after all these months of getting beat up. WAMU has been beaten into submission.

Uno is taking this Chase thing seriously

Here is Uno explaining to Dos his theory on Chase's market position. Uno is on board with the Chase thing. WAMU is now officially a thing of the past (except for the signs outside) When those are gone, we can all say we used to work for some bank called WAMU. It failed miserably in 2008.

Uno Y Dos together as Chase employees

Uno y Dos wearing their Chase gear. Don't they look like real businessmen now? The WAMU shame is gone and now the Chase gear is out there loud and proud!

Many angles of DOS

A simultaneous photo of Dos on the phone. Tom and Domo surprise attack on Dos. Dos is still acting popular today with his new tie and new Chase gear.

Uno y Dos - and their new Gear

Uno y Dos both in action on the first day of wearing the new Chase gear. Don't they look sharp in those new ties and the Chase blue shirts. Chase black and blue - Everyone looks like a big "Bruise"
Here is Dos looking like a bishop. "Forgive me Bishop Dos.. I have sinned."

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Acting Popular

Dos has been acting popular this month. Dos bought 6 Chase shirts, went on a trip to Seattle with Skip and is ready for Chase conversion. He was even in the NCAA annual March Madness Skittles group this year and was ready to take the prize until his team Oklahomo let him down and lost to North Carolina. Poor DOS!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

O'Toole Part Dos

Here is one of our favorite customers driving out from the ATM on his bike. Bike Helmet O'Toole! He ran 2 stop signs on his way out of here. Dos is all stressed out today waiting for Angela to show up. Simma Down Na Dos!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Surprise Attack Part Dos

Uno y Dos caught up in a moment of surprise. Are they discussing the WAMU shame or the Chase pride? WAMU is dying piece by piece and bit by bit. Before long WAMU will only be a memory.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Window Washers!

If this Chase thing doesn't work out Uno Y Dos will have something to fall back on.. Here they are washing the windows on a cold winter day. Dos is wearing the long sleeve shirt again. Come on Dos we need spring soon. Put your short sleeves back on and will in spring.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Hiding the WAMU Shame

Uno y Dos and friends are looking for a lost key. Dos was extremely fired up today over the lost key.  You can see the big old Chase badges that are required now.  They put holes in the shirts but who cares they are WAMU and it is all about hiding the shame at this point.    

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hello - We are Chase here to Help You

Here is our new Chase staff. "Hello I'm working for a bank that works for you." Wamu is becoming Chase. If you haven't heard that already.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Scuz City B-Day

Here is to hoping that this year I get more than a package of depends and black balloons. yes i am still bitter about 2008. no cake or pie!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Scuz City Supreme

Uno has lost his Batman hubcab and has put his car back together with duck tape. Uno is ensuring that the Chase transition goes smoothly. He limped into work after spending several days in a ditch eating grubs and drinking puddle water.

Dos y Little Buddy hard at work

Here are Dos and his new buddy Matt working hard at the Weber branch making sure nothing goes astray in the conversion to CHASE. Dos is feeling good after his bacon and eggs breakfast at Sill's this morning.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Solidarity in the Wendy's Boycott

Shout out to Dos who is supporting the Wendy's boycott. Here is Dos' lunch today but where is Dos? Is he dropping a Dos or is he helping a customer? Who knows but Dos is on the good list for supporting the cause! BK chicken sandwich and onion rings. It smells good

UNO on his week off

I just shizzed in my pants!

Bogey told us so

Dos is finding out that Bogey really was the Chase mole. Dos is sporting the short sleeves in January and he is using will power to bring out the sun and nice weather. Good Job Dos it has been a nice few days. Hurry up and melt all the snow so we can go golfing.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Wendy's Boycott! Nana Free in 2009

Tom is on the list for breaking the Wendy's boycott several times. BOO Tom. How can you support Nana and crew? McDonald's is just next door. Support the cause! We need to be Nana free in 2009. Plus that nasty Nana virus is always lurking on her sleeve.

Dos Tues. Morning Saddle Supreme

I have a new perspective. In Layton Uno moved my desk over to PD (Prairie Dog) corner. Here is Dos riding the tellers about check holds etc. The Blog has slowed down due to the refi boom. I have been swamped with mortgage apps and paperwork. Enjoy 2009!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009- Dos Rollin in the New Year on The Soul Train

Dos is a closet fan of the Soul Train!  He had a summer party this year for us underpriveleged employees and all day long he had the Soul Train blasting at the pool.  Get Down on It Dos!  Happy New Year.  Will there be a new crisis or will 2009 be a smooth year for Chase and the WAMU brand will fade into infamy?