Saturday, February 21, 2009

Surprise Attack Part Dos

Uno y Dos caught up in a moment of surprise. Are they discussing the WAMU shame or the Chase pride? WAMU is dying piece by piece and bit by bit. Before long WAMU will only be a memory.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Window Washers!

If this Chase thing doesn't work out Uno Y Dos will have something to fall back on.. Here they are washing the windows on a cold winter day. Dos is wearing the long sleeve shirt again. Come on Dos we need spring soon. Put your short sleeves back on and will in spring.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Hiding the WAMU Shame

Uno y Dos and friends are looking for a lost key. Dos was extremely fired up today over the lost key.  You can see the big old Chase badges that are required now.  They put holes in the shirts but who cares they are WAMU and it is all about hiding the shame at this point.    

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hello - We are Chase here to Help You

Here is our new Chase staff. "Hello I'm working for a bank that works for you." Wamu is becoming Chase. If you haven't heard that already.