Thanks to Mr. Lawn Chair Supreme as I have now been labeled, we have another great gift basket from our friend Bill at GT Title. Go ahead and dig in while I am gone!
Nate pulled the supreme lawn chair today. Taking a page out of Uno's book Nate decided to take off the last business day of the month, a Friday, the day after a holiday. The three worst banking days all rolled into one! He may have passed Uno for the Lawn Chair King title after this one. Nate let us all down with this stunt, our faith in him is wavering.
Where did Dos go wrong? He lost a friend. How to save the Uno? Here is Uno pondering an expensive Thanksgiving drinking binge. Cabo Uno $225 a bottle. Ouch! Don't do it Uno!
Will the real Uno stand up? Here is Uno today with the pink jelly ring around his neck. It is one of the stress toys Tonya passed out at staff meeting this week. To each his own on what to do with them!
The corner of Main and HillField! I think 1/2 the world is off work today. It took us 10 minutes to get from here to work. This guy was enjoying himself rockin out on the corner for all to see. I think Dos was down there teaching him his moves after he left here.
Doble and I went to this new restaurant on Gentile inLayton. It was very good but we were the only ones there. Try it out sometime. It is right next to Burger Stop in the old Pizza Hut building. The meatball sandwich was great!
Dos is here again on day off. We thought he was going to pull a major lawn chair on the day before Thanksgiving but here he is. He even brought his son to work to job shadow. He needs to teach him young how to saddle up! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.
Here is Dos today picking up the slack because we are short handed. Dos is going to have to break out the Prep H is he has to stand all day long. Go Dos!
Uno is under intense supervision today. Here we see Dos looking over his shoulder. The saddle is on tight and Uno will hit 10 checking accounts today or the spurs will come out! Here are uno y dos production club trophies in the foreground. They will be just a memory in 6 short months. Chase will erase all WAMU references and signage. WAMU will only live in the history books and the UNO y DOS fight to save wamu will probably not be in that history but it will live in our Sept. 2008 BLOG. Long live Uno y Dos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dollar Tree is hopping today. Our usual first lane checkout with Jerica was switched. Here is Dos meeting his new holiday helper Steve. Steve was friendly but he was no Jerica. We were disappointed that there were no more Bud's Best little cookies. They did have Daddy Ray's Fig Bars though and a new favorite: Muddy Bears!
Es un dia triste (It is a sad day). After Dos made his token appearance we have been without Uno y Dos all day. We feel a void and are about to rebel without that saddle on our back. Tonya said she would be happy to break out the saddle if we are missinig it. Bogey informed us that Chase has a no personal use concerning computers so live it up for the next 6 months. The Super Saddle is coming.
Dos has come in on his day off to spread the word of Chase. Saddle sores ahead! Here is Dos giving us the Finger of Silence. We are all feeling a bit scared today.
We have another Hater pose. This was submitted by one of our readers. Post your comments on to who you think this might be. It is appropriate that he is wearing red and blue on the week of the big game. Who is going to win? BYU or Utah?
Today this lady came in and demanded that she use our phone because of an emergency. Apparently she was kicked off the bus outside of our branch for making a scene and she was none too happy at the bus driver. She was on the phone with UTA immediately making a complaint, which i'm sure will be rectified very soon... She was carrying a strange empty cardboard box with air holes cut in to it, but no pet inside. Maybe her invisible pet was in there? We couldn't see it, but that doesn't mean that it isn't real.
We were worried that Uno y Dos were drifting apart in their resolve to make Chase stronger but the past few days we have caught them back in action . They are committed as ever to make your banking experience be as painful as possible with all the new rules and regulations and privacy policies. Here they are discussing more strategies on how to infect all of our computers with the Nana virus. The computer guy has been here all day and their computers still aren't back in service. Time for a Frosty Float and a foot rub from Nana!
Super Dos! Able to wipe out an overdraft fee in a single key stroke! Dos is practicing his walk for the catwalk where he will be modeling the new T-Shirt (shown here) for all of his adoring fans. When we are downtrodden we look to our fearless leader. Is it a bird, is it a plane , NO it's SUPER DOS!
Get the YMCA song in your head and then replace YMCA with Uno y Dos. "It's fun to make fun of Uno y Dos .........." That is the new theme song of the day. Also, Dos left his mark on the freezer door at Dollar Tree. We need to make another Dollar Tree run today and preach the new Chase word.
Yesterday Dos was the ultimate happy camper. Here he is on the teller line ready to help anybody in need. We think they made this t-shirt after Dos, what do you think? Today though is a different story. The saddle came out in full force during the staff meeting. "Get on the F'ing floor!" We were forced to watch a very questionable robbery training video full of F-bombs and Dos pulled out the saddle and rode us all afterwards. Today is going to be a good day.
Here is Nana verifying Tom's ID. She is still very skeptical about our Free Frosty Float coupons. Does Nana know how to use the black light Fraud Fighter? and also, thanks to Tom for telling me Nana's sleeve rubbed across the top of my frosty float after I had already started eating it. Nana virus outbreak warning on the horizon. I am already feeling a bit queasy.
It is Monday and this week it is sunny so no Rainy Days and Mondays always get Dos down. Today it is Dos hard at work. Here is Dos y Shaunna discussing undoubtedly something very important. We are happy to report they both got the memo about the striped shirt. Citibank announced huge layoffs today. Is that good news or bad news for Chase? Crisis City Supreme in the economy. CCS.
Our fearless leaders are still hard at work on a Friday at 5:10pm. Dos is learning the ropes from Tonya. Are they strengthening Chase or just trying to save their cans. We can see Scuzz City Parking in the background. Go UNo
Here is Larry or now known as Laura. Becky was happy to assist him eerrrr her.. Why are we always so juvenile when it comes to situations like this, the whisperings, the giggling the soft talking after the customer leaves. Anyway : It is Friday and Laura wishes you all a great weekend. Go Jazz or if you are DOS: "Jazz suck, Go Fakers"
Here is Dos excited to save an account. He even got the first referral over for retirement day. High Five to Dos. Our retirment day cake from Sam's club is about 1/2 gone and only one referral by 3:30pm. I am going to have to break out a saddle today. Giddy UP people.
Tom couldn't stay away today. He missed the feeling of the saddle on his back. Here is Dos getting ready to tell Tom about the 8 accounts that were charged off last night. We will give Dos a break today as he is actually smiling. Giddy UP! It is Thursday.
Tom is off today so Uno has moved in and is being "Tom" today. I guess he was lonely over there in the Butt Cave. Also, Dos is laying low today and has mellowed after yesterday's melt down.
Dos has been more fired up than we have ever seen. Here is a sequence of him telling Tom his FIRED UP Story!. "Where is Jocelyn's provisional credit?" and a few other choice words were a few things we heard several times. Dos might need a hug. Send him an e-hug!
Happy Birthday to both Chad and Natalie! Not only is November 11th Veterans Day, but it's also the birthday of two pretty cool people. Here is Chad's birthday cake as seen BEFORE we dug into it. Tres Leches cake is the best! Dos is a cake hater so he would not have liked it. Thats fine though, more for the rest of us!
We're sending out a D O S to the world. Uno in a Bottle! Here is Tom and Dos discussing how they are going to stuff Uno in a bottle and throw him out to sea. We hope everyone had a great Veteran's Day on Tues. Welcome Back. We hope Dos is in a good mood today. Our backs are a bit sore.
Here is Dos on a Monday. Dos is herding us into the back room to fit us for our saddles this week. We need checking accounts, credit cards and investment referrals and we need you to do them now? Another day in Paradise at WAMU Layton