Uno has lost his Batman hubcab and has put his car back together with duck tape. Uno is ensuring that the Chase transition goes smoothly. He limped into work after spending several days in a ditch eating grubs and drinking puddle water.
Here are Dos and his new buddy Matt working hard at the Weber branch making sure nothing goes astray in the conversion to CHASE. Dos is feeling good after his bacon and eggs breakfast at Sill's this morning.
Shout out to Dos who is supporting the Wendy's boycott. Here is Dos' lunch today but where is Dos? Is he dropping a Dos or is he helping a customer? Who knows but Dos is on the good list for supporting the cause! BK chicken sandwich and onion rings. It smells good
Dos is finding out that Bogey really was the Chase mole. Dos is sporting the short sleeves in January and he is using will power to bring out the sun and nice weather. Good Job Dos it has been a nice few days. Hurry up and melt all the snow so we can go golfing.
Tom is on the list for breaking the Wendy's boycott several times. BOO Tom. How can you support Nana and crew? McDonald's is just next door. Support the cause! We need to be Nana free in 2009. Plus that nasty Nana virus is always lurking on her sleeve.
I have a new perspective. In Layton Uno moved my desk over to PD (Prairie Dog) corner. Here is Dos riding the tellers about check holds etc. The Blog has slowed down due to the refi boom. I have been swamped with mortgage apps and paperwork. Enjoy 2009!
Dos is a closet fan of the Soul Train! He had a summer party this year for us underpriveleged employees and all day long he had the Soul Train blasting at the pool. Get Down on It Dos! Happy New Year. Will there be a new crisis or will 2009 be a smooth year for Chase and the WAMU brand will fade into infamy?